Each blockchain network of the Smart Hub has two types of actors: Member organization and Host organization. Nodes will be distributed among Host and Member organizations. Supply chain data will be submitted based on consensus among the nodes in the blockchain network. Each organization independently controls its data privacy via Hyperledger Fabric’s powerful security features.


The Smart Hub members themselves are the governing bodies of the network. Before joining, every new member in any supply chain network of the Smart Hub needs to be invited and approved by existing members of that supply chain network in the Smart Hub. Host organizations create each supply chain network in the Smart Hub, design its data structure, and invite initial members.

The Smart Hub has all-in-one with simple scrolling interface similar with social networking apps. So, it will be easy to know who submitted what data and to interact with others via familiar user experience. All key events and information you received from others in the Smart Hub will be registered on tamper-proof blockchain ledger.


The Smart Hub’s data design and structure are fully customizable. It can be used in various supply chain environments. The Smart Hub has built-in form builder for structured data and document. Host organization can design suitable data structure for its supply chain ecosystem and ask voting from member organizations via decentralized governance mechanism.

The Smart Hub has fully customizable notification system for all your events and actions in the platform. Similar to notifications in social networking apps, you’ll get real-time notifications of various events, such as new events, document acceptance, comments, alerts by IoT sensors, new member joining, etc. The notifications will come to you via mobile and web apps, email, and sms.


Connecting IoT with the Smart Hub is simple with few clicks. IoT sensors can monitor various physical conditions and environments of products in real-time, such as temperature, humidity, location, shock, sealing, etc. OBORTECH partners with industry leading IoT solution providers. With the Smart Hub, you don’t have to manage IoT technologies separately. All comes with one-stop solution.